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DAB Pumps, now also for housing associations

We understand why housing associations need pressure boosting and/or dirty water systems, as well as sustainable options, financial planning and regulatory reporting. DAB Pumps offers tailor-made solutions that simplify maintenance and make consumption more sustainable for housing associations, HOAs and their residents. Our portfolio of water pumps is available to support you.

State-of-the-art energy efficiency

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Meet DAB Pumps

Onderhoud en rapportage

Maintenance and reporting

DAB relieves and supports in MJOB setup and actively contributes to a smaller eco footprint.

Onderhoud en rapportage

Always nearby

In case of issues, DAB supports you 24/7 with advice and assistance. Problems need to be resolved quickly on-site.

Onderhoud en rapportage

Wastewater & sewage

DAB offers a pump for all types of wastewater. We also provide complete installations with sumps, control systems, and monitoring.

Onderhoud en rapportage

Sustainable and affordable

Pumps with minimal energy consumption, resulting in lower costs, made with recycled materials

Discover the possibilities

For every building or complex, the right pump

We offer attractive service contracts and online monitoring via DConnect, allowing you to predict and solve installation problems remotely. The DConnect app provides real-time insight into energy and water consumption.

Contact Us

At DAB pumps, we start with people - the technology, the right pump follows naturally