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DAB Pumps relieves

Every property requires and has to manage a pressure boosting and wastewater system. DAB Pumps offers a tailor-made solution for every situation. For service and maintenance, we work with 24/7 online monitoring to completely remove your worries. With a DAB installation, you ensure yourself of maximum comfort and safe drinking water.


Multi-year maintenance budget

The water pump in the multi-year maintenance budget, we think along with you

In addition to sustainable technology, we also provide support in creating a multi-year maintenance budget. We are happy to help you be well-informed about future maintenance, replacement, and unforeseen costs - so that these can be minimized. With the right information, the mandatory statutory reporting is one step closer. A DAB pump also actively contributes to reducing the ecological footprint. And that can also be nicely reflected in the report.

Contact Us

Maintenance is our middle name

Meet DAB Pumps

Onderhoud en rapportage
Maintenance and reporting

DAB relieves and supports in MJOB setup and actively contributes to a smaller eco footprint.

Onderhoud en rapportage
Always nearby

In case of issues, DAB supports you 24/7 with advice and assistance. Problems need to be resolved quickly on-site.

Onderhoud en rapportage
Legionella & prevention

The best prevention against Legionella is continuous monitoring of the temperature and the flow of drinking water.

For service and maintenance, we work with 24/7 online monitoring and control to fully unburden you. All our pressure boosting installations comply with the Dutch drinking water standards NEN 1006 and the VEWIN waterworks sheets.