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DAB Pumps considers the environment and cost

We understand why housing associations need reliable water pumps as well as cost-efficient and sustainable solutions. DAB Pumps offers tailor-made solutions which are keenly priced and make usage more sustainable for housing associations, HOAs and their residents. Our portfolio of water pumps is available to support you.


State-of-the-art in energy efficiency


Use of recycled materials where possible


Efficient packaging and sustainable choices reduce transport CO2 emissions

Map all your water consumption in real time

Everything more connected - with DConnect

Such as attractive contracts for service and online monitoring of your installation. Easy monitoring and maintenance: DConnect can remotely predict and troubleshoot problems. In many cases, even without a visit to the installation site. With the DConnect app, you have real-time insight into energy and water consumption.

Download the DAB DConnect app

Discover your savings with

Compared to a pump system without a frequency converter

We use as many recycled materials as possible